How to Relieve Muscle Pain Caused by Yard Work or Gardening

A man planting seeds

How to Relieve Muscle Pain Caused by Yard Work or Gardening 

Has winter left your yard looking a little rough around the edges? You’re probably eager to give it some TLC under the cheerful springtime sun. However, after months of downtime, you may need to ease into working in the yard. Take some precautions before handling any garden or yard work. If you sustain an injury or are in pain, get the much-needed help from the team at Health & Healing Family Chiropractic in Mississauga.

Why is Yard Work a Pain in the Muscles? 

Even if you do housework and hit the gym last winter, working outside puts different demands on the body. There’s a lot of bending over, reaching high overhead, and pulling and lifting heavy things involved. When your muscles are challenged in a new way, they may develop micro-tears. This creates the post-exercise soreness you’re probably familiar with. Meanwhile, all these activities also challenge your joints. It’s surprisingly easy to strain something or throw your back out, even during relatively light gardening.

Combat Muscle Pain With Stretches 

Stretching before and after physical activity can reduce muscle soreness and speed healing. The following stretches are very simple, no equipment required: Hamstring stretch: Sit with your legs straight out in front of you and lean forward. Hold for 15 seconds each leg. Quad stretch: Stand up, holding onto something for balance, and kick your heel toward your buttock. Catch the front of your ankle from behind and pull forward. Hold for 15 seconds each side. Side stretch: Link your hands high overhead and lean to one side, then the other. Aim for 10 seconds each side, repeating as needed. Back stretch: Wrap yourself in a bear hug and twist to one side as far as is comfortable. Hold for 10 seconds each side, repeating as needed. Finally, while working, practice good posture by keeping your back straight, core engaged and lift with your legs and not with your back.

Pain Relief at Health & Healing Family Chiropractic

If gardening or other yard work has given you stubbornly lingering pain, we can help. At our Mississauga location, our team can treat muscle, joint, and nerve-related issues. Call Health & Healing Family Chiropractic today at 905-916-4325 to schedule an appointment.

A man planting seeds

How to Relieve Muscle Pain Caused by Yard Work or Gardening 

Has winter left your yard looking a little rough around the edges? You’re probably eager to give it some TLC under the cheerful springtime sun. However, after months of downtime, you may need to ease into working in the yard. Take some precautions before handling any garden or yard work. If you sustain an injury or are in pain, get the much-needed help from the team at Health & Healing Family Chiropractic in Mississauga.

Why is Yard Work a Pain in the Muscles? 

Even if you do housework and hit the gym last winter, working outside puts different demands on the body. There’s a lot of bending over, reaching high overhead, and pulling and lifting heavy things involved. When your muscles are challenged in a new way, they may develop micro-tears. This creates the post-exercise soreness you’re probably familiar with. Meanwhile, all these activities also challenge your joints. It’s surprisingly easy to strain something or throw your back out, even during relatively light gardening.

Combat Muscle Pain With Stretches 

Stretching before and after physical activity can reduce muscle soreness and speed healing. The following stretches are very simple, no equipment required: Hamstring stretch: Sit with your legs straight out in front of you and lean forward. Hold for 15 seconds each leg. Quad stretch: Stand up, holding onto something for balance, and kick your heel toward your buttock. Catch the front of your ankle from behind and pull forward. Hold for 15 seconds each side. Side stretch: Link your hands high overhead and lean to one side, then the other. Aim for 10 seconds each side, repeating as needed. Back stretch: Wrap yourself in a bear hug and twist to one side as far as is comfortable. Hold for 10 seconds each side, repeating as needed. Finally, while working, practice good posture by keeping your back straight, core engaged and lift with your legs and not with your back.

Pain Relief at Health & Healing Family Chiropractic

If gardening or other yard work has given you stubbornly lingering pain, we can help. At our Mississauga location, our team can treat muscle, joint, and nerve-related issues. Call Health & Healing Family Chiropractic today at 905-916-4325 to schedule an appointment.




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7:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
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