

How you get the ones you care about to come in for a spinal check up. 

The last few weeks I have had a few patients share with me the challenge they have when they suggest to their friends, family and co-workers that they should go see a chiropractor. 

First, understand that it is not your responsibility to get them checked nor is it your responsibility to explain to them how chiropractic works. The only thing you should focus on is asking them to get checked. Essentially, your job is to open the door for them and give them the opportunity. That’s it! Now, how do you go about doing that? Here’s what has worked well based on past experiences. 

The main reason the people you are asking to get checked refuse is because they have a lack of understanding on how chiropractic works. 

So here's my recommendation. Ask them if they would be open to having a 5 minute conversation with me, Dr. Tyler, to talk about their health concern(s).  And if they say, “yes” provide for us their name and phone number and we’ll do the rest. 

Many lives have been transformed by simply asking. Thank you for those who dare not to keep the benefits of chiropractic a secret! 

Some other points:

  • Even if they say no the first time - don't give up. Opportunities will come up to ask again. One day they may be ready to get checked. 

  • They don't have to be from Mississauga. I will still call them. It's not about our practice, it's about them and their well-being! 

  • Don’t forget to grab a Compassion Health Pass from Kathryn too for your referral. 


Dr. Tyler


How you get the ones you care about to come in for a spinal check up. 

The last few weeks I have had a few patients share with me the challenge they have when they suggest to their friends, family and co-workers that they should go see a chiropractor. 

First, understand that it is not your responsibility to get them checked nor is it your responsibility to explain to them how chiropractic works. The only thing you should focus on is asking them to get checked. Essentially, your job is to open the door for them and give them the opportunity. That’s it! Now, how do you go about doing that? Here’s what has worked well based on past experiences. 

The main reason the people you are asking to get checked refuse is because they have a lack of understanding on how chiropractic works. 

So here's my recommendation. Ask them if they would be open to having a 5 minute conversation with me, Dr. Tyler, to talk about their health concern(s).  And if they say, “yes” provide for us their name and phone number and we’ll do the rest. 

Many lives have been transformed by simply asking. Thank you for those who dare not to keep the benefits of chiropractic a secret! 

Some other points:

  • Even if they say no the first time - don't give up. Opportunities will come up to ask again. One day they may be ready to get checked. 

  • They don't have to be from Mississauga. I will still call them. It's not about our practice, it's about them and their well-being! 

  • Don’t forget to grab a Compassion Health Pass from Kathryn too for your referral. 


Dr. Tyler




7:30 AM - 10:00 AM

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM




7:30 AM - 10:00 AM

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM


7:30 AM - 10:00 AM

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM







7:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM